China will continue to take part in multilateral diplomatic activities of a global, intercontinental and regional nature, and play a constructive role in the affairs of UN reform, the settlement of regional conflicts, peace-keeping, disarmament, arms control and environmental protection. 中国还将继续参与全球性、洲际性和地区性的多边外交活动,在联合国改革、地区冲突、维护和平、裁军、军备控制和环境保护方面发挥建设性的作用。
Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty on the Protection of Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits 关于缔结一项保护集成电路知识产权的条约问题外交会议
Claim diplomatic immunity, the protection of the law, etc 要求外交豁免、法律保护等
The Rules on Exhaustion of Local Remedies under Diplomatic Protection: Comment on 2006 "Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection"; 论外交保护中的用尽当地救济规则&兼评2006年联合国《外交保护条款草案》
Civil Claim for Compensation Against Japan and the Political Basis for China's Diplomatic Protection 民间对日索赔与中国实施外交保护的可行性
Diplomatic conference for the establishment of international conventions for the protection of victims of war; 制订保护战争受难者国际公约外交会议;
The state responsibility in international investment deals with the legal protection in the international investment, such as, the standard of treatment for those foreign investors and foreign investment, nationalization, levy and compensation, agreement on special permission right, judicial refusal and diplomatic protection etc. 国际投资中的国家责任问题主要涉及国际投资的法律保护问题,如对外国投资和投资者的待遇标准、国有化或征收及其补偿问题。另外,还涉及特许权协议、拒绝司法、外交保护等问题。
Diplomatic protection involves the claiming right of one country to another while the national's rights were infringed upon by another for violating international law in accordance with general international law, the implementation of which shall meet certain conditions and take some appropriate measures. 外交保护是指允许一国按照一般国际法对另一国违反国际法使其国民遭受损害的行为要求赔偿的权利。外交保护的行使应符合一定的条件并采取适当的方式。
Diplomatic protection is an old issue in international law, which includes the ambassador protection and the consul protection. 外交保护是一个古老的国际法问题,包括外交使节保护和领事保护,在性质上属于国家的权利而非个人的权利。
The nations perform the diplomatic protection right because they have personal supremacy over their citizens. 外交保护的适用范围一般包括外国人的人身自由、财产权利和诉讼权利遭到非法侵害。
To establish overseas investment insurance, to support fully and reliably, to supervise properly and to use diplomatic protection are four legal terms that our government should adopt to protect overseas direct investment. 海外投资保险,充分、可靠的支持,适当的监管,外交保护权的行使是我国对海外直接投资应采取的四项域外法律保护措施。
On Draft Articles of Diplomatic Protection 浅析外交保护条款草案
The nationality, shareholders 'protection, exhaustion of local remedies and so on according to Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection are discussed in the paper. 有必要对该草案的一些条款如国籍、股东的保护、用尽当地救济等问题进行分析和探讨。
This paper tries to make, on a theoretical basis, a comprehensive analysis of the jurisdiction of the aliens, the treatment of the aliens, the diplomatic protection and the consular protection. 本文以此为导引,围绕外国人的管辖、外国人的待遇、外交和领事保护等基本问题,从国际法和国内法两个不同的角度展开了全面而深入的分析。
Analyses of Major Issues on Diplomatic Protection 外交保护制度的主要问题剖析
The legal protection of international investment is one of the key items in International Investment Law. It includes the standards of treatment for foreign investment and the investor, state responsibilities, the right to apply for diplomatic protection, nationalization and compensation, etc. 国际投资的法律保护是国际投资法中的核心问题之一,它涉及对外国投资及投资者的待遇标准、国家责任与外交保护权、国有化及其赔偿等法律问题。
Diplomatic Tactics of Yunnan Military Government in National Protection Movement 护国运动时期云南军政府的外交策略
I will research the diplomatic protection on the dual nationality and hope that the scholar will improve it in the future. 笔者将对双重国籍下的外交保护制度进行研究,抛砖引玉,望以后的学者对其进行完善。
On the basis of subrogation, the main legal basis in international law, there are two views, one bilateral investment protection agreements, subrogation clause; the other is the diplomatic protection of international law theory. 关于代位权的依据,主要是国际法上的法律依据,主要有两种观点,一是双边投资保护协定的代位权条款;另一个是外交保护的国际公法的理论。
The diplomatic protection we often talk about is mainly directed against a nature person, of course, the object of diplomatic protection also includes legal person, this article is mainly discussing the protection of natural persons, legal persons is not involved. 我们常说的外交保护主要是针对自然人的,当然外交保护的对象也包括法人,本文讨论的是对自然人的保护,不涉及法人。
At last this chapter discusses the "clean hands" doctrine. Chapter ⅴ discusses the base values and strategies in the process of diplomatic protection. 第五章论述了外交保护的价值基础和策略运用。
Exercise of the right of subrogation correspondingly divided into two modes, one is based on bilateral investment protection agreements in the relevant regulations, through litigation or arbitration manner; Then there through diplomatic protection, through diplomatic means to achieve the right of subrogation. 代位权的行使也就相应主要分为两种方式,一个是根据双边投资保护协定中的相关规定,通过诉讼或仲裁等方式进行;再就是通过外交保护,通过外交手段实现代位权。
The sixth chapter introduces diplomatic protection in China. 第六章分析了中国与外交保护制度的情况。
The author believes that under the circumstance of the economic globalization and harmonious world, our county should take part in making and studying the diplomatic protection rules actively, holds the principle of the state sovereign in practice and makes efforts to develop the consular protection system. 笔者认为,在经济全球化与和谐世界的大背景下,我国应积极参与外交保护规则的制订与研究,在实践中始终固守国家主权原则,大力发展领事保护制度。
So we have to study and make use of the legal system of the diplomatic protection, but current related research made by the Chinese international law academe is a little superficial and lack of system, practice and practicability. 现实需要我们研究并学会利用外交保护法律制度,然而中国国际法学界在这方面的研究却浮于表面,缺乏系统性、实践性和实用性。
The case of diplomatic protection on the dual or multiple is the same. So this article is mainly putting the multiple nationality into the case of dual nationality and discussing the diplomatic protection on the dual nationality. 双重国籍或多重国籍的情况下行使外交保护是一样的,因此本文也主要是把多重国籍放到双重国籍的情况下,就自然人的双重国籍问题进行探讨。
Early, non-governmental trade between China and Japan mainly to the 1972 normalization of diplomatic ties between China and Japan, agricultural technical cooperation between the two countries to provide political protection and technical cooperation in the field of agricultural products gradually expanded. 建国初期,中日两国以民间贸易为主,1972年中日两国实现邦交正常化,为两国农产品技术合作提供了政治保障,农产品技术合作领域逐步扩大。
In the process of diplomatic protection, States usually decide the strategy which should be used according to the base values they have controlled. 各国在外交保护过程中通常会根据自己控制的基础价值和具体案情决定所要使用的策略。
Three requirements need to be met if the nationality state is going to exercise the diplomatic protection to protect its overseas natural person and legal person, that is, nationality principle, actual loss principle and local remedies principle. 第三章外交保护的实施条件,国籍国欲对在海外的本国自然人、法人提起外交保护时,必须具备三项条件,即国籍原则、实际损害原则和用尽当地救济原则。